An integral component of the LAFD Dispatch Communications Network (DCN) • Located at every fire station and facility • Remotely controlled by a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System to alert emergency rescue teams at the corresponding fire stations of the incoming dispatch call • Connected with two dedicated communications links, one is used to deliver dispatch call • 56K ADN line (Advanced Digital Network) from the local telephone company is used for voice communications link. • Data line (Another 56K ADN line from the Telephone company) is sub-rated to 9.6Kbps by passing though Sub Rate Data Multiplexer (SRDM). One of the outputs of SRDM is connected to SCU. • Functions of SCU are to activate fire station bells, the dispatch printer, PA system, turn on house lights, ring dispatch phones and answer back in any combination as required by a dispatch.
Installed at Cabinet A where equipment such as SCU, power supply, PA amplifier, SRDM are installed • Controls the operation of speakers, microphones, buzzers, front door buzzers and master input of audio amplifier • The audio output of SCU is connected to the input of PA panel. • Speakers outside the building are muted at night time by Yard Switch, one of the switches of 7 gang gong panel. Answer Back • Installed near the location of gong panel • Acknowledges a response of the dispatch • Enables the night dispatched circuit for different dispatch services
Installed at the cabinet B where punch down blocks are installed. • To turn on the night light when an audio dispatch comes and the Ready switch is "ON" • Timer is in the night light controller